Stefano Fava Skrevet Juli 13, 2012 Rapporter Share Skrevet Juli 13, 2012 When I speak out against dominance training, I seem to ruffle some feathers and some call me unprofessional for criticizing “other trainers”. I am opposed to the use of shock collars, choke chains and prong collars. These are the “tools” of dominance trainers. I love how some think that just because I am different than dominance based trainers, that it is simply an academic disagreement. Nothing could be further from the truth. Any trainer that puts a choke chain on a dog has declared themselves unprofessional and incompetent in my eyes. I take the treatment of our dogs very seriously. I want these guys out of business and off our air waves. If we hope to change the way people view dog training around the world, we have to show them ethical ways to teach and point out that many of the prevailing philosophies are inhumane and scientifically flawed (putting it nicely). If that's being unprofessional, call me unprofessional all you like. Personally, I think that I am one of the few TV dog trainers who have the nerve to speak out against the atrocious methods and techniques of these guys. Part of being a professional is believing in what you do and doing everything you can to correct the damage that has been done all of these years. -Zak George Derfor jeg tilbeder ham, ikke mange TV figurer som rent faktisk har boller til at lange ud mod de gammeldags og ringe metoder. Dem der ikke kan engelsk, han skriver i små ord; At han tit bliver kaldt for uprofessionel fordi han netop kritiserer dominans træning. Men han mener så selv, (RET), at han netop er professionel at holde ved sin overbevisning. Andre der syntes gutten er halv fed eller najs? Det er ihvertfald et frisk pust i modsætning til den dersens mechiikaner. Citér Link til indlæg Del på andre sites More sharing options...
Shii Besvaret Juli 13, 2012 Rapporter Share Besvaret Juli 13, 2012 Jeg elsker ham! Han er genial.. Og han har sagt de magiske ord for mit vedkommende... Det vigtigste i redskabet for at faa en velfungerende hund, er et godt samarbejde mellem hund og ejer! Citér Link til indlæg Del på andre sites More sharing options...
Bamseida Besvaret Juli 14, 2012 Rapporter Share Besvaret Juli 14, 2012 Pænt ærgerligt at man ikke kan se hans programmer her i Europa - han er super go' Citér Link til indlæg Del på andre sites More sharing options...
Stefano Fava Besvaret Juli 14, 2012 Forfatter Rapporter Share Besvaret Juli 14, 2012 (rettet) Since I oppose harsh training methods supported by many quasi-behaviorists who specialize in “rehabilitating” aggressive dogs, a common question frequently comes up. “Zak, how would YOU work with a dog without using choke chains, prong collars and shock collars?” The short answer? Every case is different when dealing with matters of aggression. One of the reasons we find ourselves in the predicament we are in right now is because of overly generalized advice to a very complex question. I will not fall into the trap of giving you a “simple” and shallow answer. Learning to manage aggression and to take the TIME to do it properly on a CASE BY CASE basis is the only way to ethically deal with dogs of this nature. If one views themselves as a dog psychologist, then they should understand that a REAL diagnosis and treatment is achieved by getting into a dogs head and not simply “out willing” he or she. The best results are achieved when addressing ALL problem behavior from the inside of a dog’s mind, outward and not the from the outside, inward. That’s it. No quick fix. No magic answer. As we all really know deep down, if we are to do anything right, it takes an appropriate amount of time. I think this is a small price to pay given all that dogs do for us. The problem starts with the culture we live in. Since, for the most part, we live in a lazy culture that insists on fast food dog trainers quickly “rehabilitating” dogs, we find ourselves in a state of complete ignorance as a society. The answer? Keep educating. -Zak George Skrev han idag på sin fjæsbog... Genialt menneske. Syntes han har fat i essensen af problemet. Som han skriver, lever vi i en kultur hvor alt skal gå så hurtigt som muligt, og derfor vælger folk "fastfood trænere/træning". Redigeret Juli 14, 2012 af Stefano Fava Citér Link til indlæg Del på andre sites More sharing options...
mokkah Besvaret Juli 14, 2012 Rapporter Share Besvaret Juli 14, 2012 Godt at man kan se lidt på youtube... Han virker rigtig god... Tak for tippet med ham, så nu følger jeg ham på fjæsbogen. Citér Link til indlæg Del på andre sites More sharing options...
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